
phosphorus can be used for Learn more about phosphorus can be used for

  • Characteristics and functions of common fertilizers

    Characteristics and functions of common fertilizers

    In sandy soil, all phosphate fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, half of nitrogen fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer, and the other half should be topdressing by stages in the process of growth and development, and then the amount of water should not be too large to avoid fertilizer leakage after flood irrigation. In clayey soil, under the condition of water irrigation, phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer of 2 to 3 can be used as base fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer of 1 to 3 can be applied by stages, and none.

  • What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?

    What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?

    Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium play an important role in the process of plant growth, so what kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? What's the use? What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer? Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is a fertilizer that supplements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for plants.

    2020-11-09 Nitrogen and phosphorus potassium fertilizer what is fertilizer fertilizer in the process of plant growth
  • Us air strikes on Syria drop white phosphorus shells and ignite a fire like hell Russia: an enemy of the world

    Us air strikes on Syria drop white phosphorus shells and ignite a fire like hell Russia: an enemy of the world

    Recently, the Syrian-Russian coalition forces officially launched a strong offensive against the Syrian rebels in Idlib. According to relevant media reports, it is understood that the Russian Air Force sent a large number of fighter planes to carry out frequent air strikes against the Syrian rebels.

  • Common chemical control methods of storage pests

    Common chemical control methods of storage pests

    1. Parathion: parathion is a preferred grain protectant in the world, its chemical name is methyl pyrimidine (sulfur) phosphorus, and the commonly used dose for the control of stored grain pests is 5ppm. two。 Grain phosphorus: grain phosphorus is a grain protective agent developed by Chengdu Grain Storage Science Research Institute of the State Grain Bureau. it has a good control effect on stored grain pests, especially suitable for use in rural areas. The ratio of phosphorus consumption of preserved grain to that of raw grain was 1: 2500. That is, each bag of 100 grams of guaranteed grain phosphorus can be mixed with 250 kilograms of raw grain.

  • Pay attention to less phosphorus and more potassium in fertilizing wheat

    Pay attention to less phosphorus and more potassium in fertilizing wheat

    First of all, the partial application of phosphorus to wheat is to increase the cost. Diammonium is quite expensive this year, with 64% of its retail price exceeding 3900 yuan per ton. Phosphorus is necessary, but there is no need for excess. Empirical data show that when 40-50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer containing 15% pure phosphorus is used as base fertilizer per mu, there is generally no shortage.

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat fertilization attention less phosphorus more potassium partial application phosphorus
  • Relationship between Plant Nutrition Principle and Fertilization of Orchid

    Relationship between Plant Nutrition Principle and Fertilization of Orchid

    Relationship between Plant Nutrition Principle and Fertilization of Orchid

  • Four factors should be considered in the selection of compound fertilizer

    Four factors should be considered in the selection of compound fertilizer

    Four factors should be considered in the selection of compound fertilizer

  • The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied to potatoes should be appropriate.

    The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied to potatoes should be appropriate.

    The demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in potato is equally important. In the process of yield formation, nitrogen supply is the basis to ensure the formation of sufficient green leaf area for photosynthesis; phosphorus supply is also indispensable for tuber formation and starch accumulation; on the basis of sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium supply is necessary for carbohydrate assimilation in the early stage, aboveground to underground tuber transportation and starch accumulation in the later stage. The field test showed that the absorption ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in potato was about 1 ∶ 0.5 ∶ 2.5.

  • What is phosphate fertilizer? What kinds of phosphate fertilizer do you have?

    What is phosphate fertilizer? What kinds of phosphate fertilizer do you have?

    What is phosphate fertilizer? What kinds of phosphate fertilizer do you have? What are the characteristics? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that phosphate fertilizer is a single-element chemical fertilizer that contains phosphorus and can provide plants with phosphorus-based nutrients. The farming network collates the efficacy and types of phosphate fertilizer, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. ...

  • What is diammonium phosphate? How to use ammonium phosphate?

    What is diammonium phosphate? How to use ammonium phosphate?

    What is diammonium phosphate? How to use ammonium phosphate? Diammonium phosphate is a kind of binary high concentration compound fertilizer with low nitrogen and high phosphorus. Diammonium phosphate contains N18%, P2O5 46% and the total nutrient concentration can reach 64%. It has the characteristics of low nitrogen, high phosphorus and no potassium in nutrient supply. Because...

  • Is it okay to apply compound fertilizer to potted flowers at home?

    Is it okay to apply compound fertilizer to potted flowers at home?

    Is it okay to apply compound fertilizer to potted flowers at home?

  • What kind of fertilizer is used to grow potatoes now for high yield? What should I pay attention to when buying fertilizer?

    What kind of fertilizer is used to grow potatoes now for high yield? What should I pay attention to when buying fertilizer?

    Potatoes are also known as yam, yam egg, sweet potato, potato What kind of fertilizer is used to grow potatoes now for high yield? What should I pay attention to when buying fertilizer? Now grow potatoes and apply them

    2020-11-09 Now grow potato apply what fertilizer high yield buy
  • How to improve the efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer in wheat field

    How to improve the efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer in wheat field

    1, mixed with organic fertilizer after fermentation, organic fertilizer rich in organic matter, phosphoric acid and a variety of organic weak acids, can make insoluble phosphorus into soluble phosphorus. Not only can the utilization rate of phosphorus fertilizer be greatly improved, but also the problem of burning seedlings of phosphorus fertilizer can be effectively overcome. 2, with nitrogen, potassium, zinc fertilizer...

  • Application of phytase in diets of pigs and chickens

    Application of phytase in diets of pigs and chickens

    Phytic acid or phytate is common in plant feed, and most of the phosphorus exists in the form of phytate phosphorus. Phytic acid can form a stable complex with metal ions such as calcium ion, iron ion, zinc ion and copper ion, and can also combine with protein and starch, reducing the activities of endogenous amylase, protease and lipase. The digestibility of nutrients decreased significantly. Phytic acid is not absorbed by monogastric animals, and most of it is excreted in the form of feces, which not only greatly reduces the utilization rate of phosphorus, but also causes environmental pollution, especially water pollution.

  • Application technology and matters needing attention of compound fertilizer

    Application technology and matters needing attention of compound fertilizer

    Humic acid fertilizer refers to the use of peat, lignite and weathered coal as raw materials to produce products containing a large amount of humic acid and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some trace elements needed for crop growth and development by different production methods. The varieties of humic acid fertilizers are ammonium humate, ammonium nitro humate, humic acid phosphorus, humic acid ammonium phosphorus.

  • Application proportion of Special Fertilizer in Cotton drip Irrigation Field

    Application proportion of Special Fertilizer in Cotton drip Irrigation Field

    First, the total amount of cotton fertilizer input in high latitude sub-suitable cotton areas per unit yield of seed cotton 300-380 kg, the need to put 70-80 kg of natural fertilizer, equivalent to 160-180 kg of standard fertilizer. To achieve "jin fat cotton". If you put 1 kg of standard fertilizer, you can produce 1 kg of lint. 137 regiment soil test results and cotton plant nutrition diagnosis generally lack zinc, 1-2 kg zinc fertilizer is applied in autumn, and the yield is increased by 5% and 10%. For plots rich in potassium, the application of potash fertilizer is 5-10 kg, especially

  • What kind of fertilizer is used for seedlings? How should fertilizer be applied? How to get fat?

    What kind of fertilizer is used for seedlings? How should fertilizer be applied? How to get fat?

    Seedlings are saplings with roots and trunks. Concentrated producing areas of seedlings are distributed all over the country. There are many kinds of seedlings, which have good economic benefits, and the fertilizers used by different seedlings are also different, and there are also many techniques of fertilization and topdressing.

    2020-11-09 Seedlings use what fertilizer should how fertilization topdressing seedlings
  • What kind of fertilizer is used for planting cantaloupes

    What kind of fertilizer is used for planting cantaloupes

    Muskmelon needs a large amount of fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and boron, etc. In the process of planting, the combination and quantity of chemical fertilizer should be adjusted according to different growth stages, plant growth and planting purposes of muskmelon, and compound fertilizer or compound fertilizer should be applied.

    2020-11-08 seed cantaloupe with what fat abstract need larger
  • How to apply fertilizer to plant ginseng (American ginseng)?

    How to apply fertilizer to plant ginseng (American ginseng)?

    How to apply fertilizer to plant ginseng (American ginseng)? Ginseng and American ginseng are perennial root plants and have strict requirements for fertilizer. After expert research, it is found that it is a potassium-loving plant, and its absorption of potassium is far greater than that of nitrogen and phosphorus, that is to say, potassium is an important factor to determine whether ginseng is high-yield or not. And as it grows.

  • How to fertilize Zhu Dinghong, what fertilizer / base fertilizer / phosphorus and potassium fertilizer Zhu Dinghong can apply?

    How to fertilize Zhu Dinghong, what fertilizer / base fertilizer / phosphorus and potassium fertilizer Zhu Dinghong can apply?

    We have emphasized in Zhu Dinghong's culture method that fertilization is very important. Too little fertilization will affect the flowering time or even lead to non-flowering, while too much fertilization will lead to weak plant growth, so how can Zhu Dinghong apply fertilizer more scientifically? What kind of fertilizer should Zhu Dinghong apply? The editor came to tell you the answer.
